Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sad Moods

Anybody ever hear a song on the radio that puts them in that mood. That makes you not want to do anything and you think of all those loved ones that have passed?

The other day I was driving to the bank and a sad song came on the radio that put me in one kind of a mood, and i'm one of those people that just can't get out of it. So the bank got put on hold. I kept driving around, plugged in my iPhone to my car and kept listening to sad songs. One of the songs is "The Long Goodbye" by Allen G Young. This song is about Alzheimer's. My grandmother passed away from Alzheimer's, and I found this song about two months before she died. So you can imagine how this song makes me feel.

I think what makes me feel even worse while listening to that song is that I have a family friend that is going through basically the same thing. Seeing her go through what my grandma went through just kills me. I know whats going to end up happening to her and every time I see her it makes me wanna cry.  Every time she has an episode I remember the time my grandmother thought she had to go home, but that is a different story.  I also think about Bill (her husband) also my grandfather (who is also gone) when I listen to The Long Goodbye, because it is sung through a husbands point of view.

P.S. if I was going to get a tattoo, this would be the one I would get. Or a  purple ribbon in the shape of a treble clef with in remembrance of Julia Ayers.

Anyways thanks for reading If you every have moods likes this leave a comment. I keep thinking i'm that one weird person that does this and no one else does.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Got to Love Nosy Neighbors!!

A little background information...
       About a year ago I was in a accident. A car backed into me in Walmarts parting lot. I never got the body worked fixed.
     Steve is my neighbor. He is a older man, really sweet. He is one of those men that would do anything for you, same for his wife.

    Well today my husband was getting ready to go to work and we were saying our goodbyes before he left. Steve came over to talk to us. At first they were just talking about Chris's new toolbox he has for his truck. Then Steve asked me if I wrecked my car on the ice. At first I was kind of confused... then he said the other day he looked out of his window and seen my best friends car behind me and me looking at my bumper. Funny thing is, I just cleaned my car for the first time in a while, and you can now see the scrap from the accident.  I laughed and told him the story about how it happened.

     He also has helped me catch a mouse. One day I noticed that we had an unwanted guest. I put out some traps (the snapping kind??).  This day my best friend was at my house. Well, instead of catching the mouse the regular way and killing it. This mouse gets caught by the tail!!! We weren't about to try to catch this thing. Chris was at work so I went over to Steve's house and asked him if he would come over and catch the mouse. Of course, he said yes. He grabbed a bucket and a broom and scooped this mouse up. He and his wife have some outdoor cats. He let the cats have the mouse.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New favorite nail polish brand!

Hey friends! I have found a nail polish brand that will stay on my nails without a top coat without chipping! I work as a server and any nail polish that will stay on my nails through all the crap I put them the through is amazing!

Zoya nail Polish was sent to me by ipsy. The color is odette and the formula is fantastic! I will definitely buy some nail polish from this brand again!

Sorry my picture is crappy. I took them quick to get this post up...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kraken vs Captain Morgan

Good morning everyone!!! Today I am doing a comparison of two different spiced rums. Captain Morgan and Kraken! They are both favorites of mine. It's really hard to do a comparison of these two spiced rums together. specially since one is dark and one is light.

                     $21.00                                                                           $19.99

Obviously by looking at them you can tell that one is a darker rum and the other is an amber.  The tastes are different as well. Kraken has more of a spicy flavor than Captain. By tasting both of these on there own, Kraken has more vanilla finish and to me that is everything... haha. I love vanilla. Captain has more of a vanilla in the beginning, and has a stronger alcohol burn. 

Captain is more the rum to go for a party where I want to get a lot of people drunk. Kraken is the rum I use to sip on and have a relaxing cocktail. 

I'm not saying that Captain is a bad spiced rum. This is my personal opinion and What I would use them both for.

These prices are Oklahoma prices and online prices mixed. 

If you like to see more reviews hit the G+1 button at the bottom!

What next?

Hey everyone, I know it has been a while since I have been on and wrote a post. I've been struggling trying to figure out what kind of blog I want to make this into.  I love to try new liquor, wine and beer so I was thinking about doing a review blog. Well the problem with that is I don't have a lot of money to go out and buy good liquors to try. Nobody wants a review blog of all cheap liquor. I also have some posts about my husband and the crazy antics he does. That I will probably keep, seeing that my highest seen blog post is about him. Another thing I have put up is about bzzagent and Ipsy. If you want to know more about them then click the links above to read more.

So if I did a blog about off of those things it would be all over the place. I guess I will just write whatever come to mind. If you have any Ideas please write them in the comments.

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Saturday, February 15, 2014


Yesterday was a great day. I had to work all day as did my husband but he surprised me and told me that this weekend we are going to the city to watch a concert!!!!!!!!!! CASEY DONAHEW!!! I'm so excited!! I love him so much! I hope everyone else had a great valentines day! I have to go get ready for my weekend!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 2014 Ipsy "Glam Bag"

I just did a whats in my Glam Bag/ How to sign up/ How it works on my Ipsy page!

Go check it out!!!

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Why Do People Commit Suicide

Why? The question I have been asking myself ever since my mother told me about my cousin. Was it because of the drugs and the alcohol? Was it because he was the only one of his immediate family still with us today? Why didn't he get help? He knew he still had loving family around him. Was the pain really that hard? I guess those questions we will never really know the answers too. Too bad no one could have set down and talked to him before hand.

Rickey Hines I will miss you!! You have a ton of family and friends that are wondering the same questions that I am. I hope you have found peace within yourself know and what you did was worth it. I will miss hearing you play, it was the best thing ever always put a smile on my face. Say hi to the family for me. Love you dearly!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Puppy Love and Puppy Hate

I have a 1 1/2 year old chihuahua named Mitzi. She is the best dog a girl could ever ask for. She is very cuddly. She is always there for me when I get home. On the other hand... When my husband tries to get her attention, no love.

Mitzi- My Baby!!!
My mother got Mitzi and her sister Misty from a family friend. Well all started to think that Mitzi well the good one because she never growled, she barked but never freaked as much as Misty. Misty also lives with two other dogs.

One day we were laying in bed and Mitzi was laying beside me and Chris decided he wanted her beside him. Well, NOT TONIGHT!!! She started growling at him! Since it was the first time she had ever done this of course we had to play with her. So I told him to keep trying to pick her up. She started to bite him. Well I tried to pick her up and she didn't bark or bite me.

Its so funny. Now Chris wants a dog of his own.

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Please tell me that your not one of those people that go out to eat and when something happens out of the servers control... you stiff them.
Tonight a table came in and they had one issue with their meal. They asked me to get my manager for them. Okay. So I went and got him... the problem.. a hair in her food... couldn't have been mine.. I'm not saying the problem wasn't important or anything like that. My manager took care of the issue and the guests at the table even said that I did a great job. Throughout this whole entire process we were joking around. My manager took off her food and the kids (nothing was wrong with the kids).
They stiffed me!!! ASSHOLES!!!

rant of the night sorry!!!

Point is when you go out to eat if something happens and its not your servers fault, don't stiff them. In most states they only make 2.13 an hour. I know I do.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Annoying Husbands

Does anyone else's husbands ever purposely annoying them. Like, today right before he left as I started typing this he was poking me. We also watch on HLN that story about the two boys, one of them has cancer, the other shaved his head to show the other that he isn't alone. Well, he said he wanted to know what I would look like bald. So he put his hand above my forehead, stared at me, and cocked his head to the side. We both had said that if the other had cancer the other would shave their head.

Also, anytime the song Poker Face comes on the radio or my iTunes... should I even have to tell you what he does? He pokes my face... Everytime.... Its super annoying!!!

The last thing that is super annoying, his wallet. Well not the wallet as much as he won't let me touch it. He is super productive of it. Which yes, is a good thing but i'm his wife and he should trust me. I don't ever over spend. If I did I would understand with the super ninja action.

Anyways, Thats enough of my rant. I love you baby!!!!! Thank you for letting me put you on the spot!!

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Husband Texts Payback

So today My husband and I were playing around before he went to work. We were more or less wrestling. I was winning like always. If you seen him you would see why I win. Just saying! Anyways, after we calmed down he got up ate lunch (he goes to work around noon so he eats lunch early) as he was getting up I punched his ass really had and took off running down the hallway. Ran into the bathroom for one I had to pee so... well he didn't follow me. I didn't think much of it. We went out side to go smoke a cigarette. When we got back inside he grabbed my phone and said "oh baby you have a message." It was from my best friend saying "I love you too!" This fool!!! Then he said you might want to read the other messages. He wrote I love yous to my mother "mommy I love you," my father "dad I love you," and his sister "I love you!" For real. After I read them he looked at me and said "you will never punch me in the ass and run again!" This bitch!! HAHA!! I love him so much... Only my husband would come up with something like this... but if I grabbed his phone he would flip FYI!!

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Monday, January 20, 2014

Blackberry Long Island *Feat Blackberry Syrup*

I promised this recipe would come out... my favorite drink of all time... blackberry long island..

1/2 skyy vodka
1/2 beefeater gin
1/2 bacardi rum
1/2 chambord (optional)
1/2 blackberry syrup
your favorite sour mix
splash of sprite

Mix the skyy, beefeater, bacardi, blackberry, and enough sour mix to fill your glass, (the chambord is optional because I don't use it in mine... but you can for yours) in a shaker... shake away then put into a glass and top with a splash of sprite!!

and there you go... AMAZING!!!

enjoy... try it both ways and tell if you like it with or without the chambered!!

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Monin Blackberry Review

Monin Blackberry Syrup is a drink flavoring that you can add to any beverage. Its more on the sweeter side, but has the perfect blackberry taste. By far my favorite flavoring so far. 

I hate straight Red Bull so I always add this syrup to any regular red bull I have. Its always good in tea and lemonade too.

For all the cocktail drinkers out there this syrup is amazing in them as well. A couple of my favorites to add it to is the Margarita and a Blackberry Long Island. *I will post the recipe of the long island within a few hours of this going up.*

Monin has all different other flavors of syrups. The price for this product varies but what I could find on the web was around 10-20 bucks.

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Getting Ready To Go Out Tonight

Tomorrow is my birthday and i'm going out to celebrate tonight. What all should I drink tonight??? I have a few friends that have already said that they are going to be buying me tons of shots and drinks to get me drunk. I don't know if I want to take shots that I don't know whats in them... if that makes sense?! I know i'm going to have a hang over tomorrow but I want the least of one possible!! haha!!!  I'm also that girl that can drink half a bottle of Captain Morgan and not be hung over but still be drunk as hell... i'm a light weight p.s.

If y'all have any ideas let me know!!!!

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Birthday Shopping Trip

Today my mother came over and we went to the mall and we went shopping. My husband also joined us. We found some great deals!!! Below I have some pictures of the clothes that I got on my shopping adventure! Cant wait to wear them!

Love these boots so furry and soft on the inside!

Two pairs of pants from Aeropostale!

I'm not going to show my panties but I will show my free socks!!!!

Pants from vanity!
And lastly

I have one more shirt from vanity but I can't find it... How do you lose a shirt that you just bought??? 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Coole Swan Review

Coole Swan is an irish cream and by far the best one to date. Everybody knows about the Baileys "burn" Coole Swan doesn't have that. It is super creamy, very easy to drink straight or add to any cocktail. The product has hints of chocolates in it. Which, in my opinion, anything that has chocolate in it is 100 times better. 

My favorite part about Coole Swan... the flavor the product adds to desserts. Make a frosting add a little Coole Swan to it. AMAZING! I don't know if you will want to serve it to your children but why not make a little something for your other half on that special night in... or out.

Coole Swan goes for around $25- $27 dollars around the states depending on where you live.  Thats a great price for the product that you are getting. This product is one that I always try to have some around the house. 

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Some of My Bracelets

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Whale... Polymer Clay..... Not finished

Purple whale.. Not baked

Getting Tossed to the Father-In-Law

Tell me if this has ever happened to you... So my drivers side back blinker was out in my car. I also got pulled over which is how I found out about the light being out in the first place. (I didn't get a ticket luckily because I had the light.) I told my husband and asked him to fix it. We also had an extra light in the glove box of the car. He said he would so I let it go and didn't think anything of it. It didn't get fixed for a couple of days, still not upset. My husband works twelve hours days and he is really tired when he gets home from work. I figured he was going to wait until the weekend to fix the light. Well the weekend came and passed and I got pulled over for the second time, surprisingly didn't get a ticket. Now it is Wednesday night after I got off work. I waited until he gets off work to tell him. He tells me he will definitely fix the light. So this morning as i'm still in bed waking up he tells me that his father will be coming over around 1:30 this afternoon to help me fix the light. See I understand the light needed to be fix so I don't get a ticket and for safety reasons. He had over a week... and to pass the problem to his father I think is childish. So what did I do you ask? I got out of bed, went into the garage, grabbed the light out of glove box, and changed that light (like i should have just done in the first place). Am I wrong for being upset?

P.S. I'm not mad at him anymore, but ugh!!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


So I moved from a small town to (at the time five years ago) me "the big city." We'll now I know it's not that big anyways... Everyone I know from back home loves to come to eat at the restaurant I work at. Does anyone else think it's awkward to serve people that they haven't seen in forever? Or not even serve does anyone else find it awkward to see people at the store or walking around the fair or anywhere for that matter? Some of these people I don't even talk to I just notice on my way back into the kitchen. I'll think about stopping by to say hi but it's been five years... Hince my awkwardness... Idk I'm weird...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


       This is my first blog. I will be putting up a little bit of everything on the blog from reviews to how i'm feeling today. This is going to be a very short blog today. I have to get up and get ready to work. I work at Red Lobster as a server. Well I just noticed the time... 
