Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sad Moods

Anybody ever hear a song on the radio that puts them in that mood. That makes you not want to do anything and you think of all those loved ones that have passed?

The other day I was driving to the bank and a sad song came on the radio that put me in one kind of a mood, and i'm one of those people that just can't get out of it. So the bank got put on hold. I kept driving around, plugged in my iPhone to my car and kept listening to sad songs. One of the songs is "The Long Goodbye" by Allen G Young. This song is about Alzheimer's. My grandmother passed away from Alzheimer's, and I found this song about two months before she died. So you can imagine how this song makes me feel.

I think what makes me feel even worse while listening to that song is that I have a family friend that is going through basically the same thing. Seeing her go through what my grandma went through just kills me. I know whats going to end up happening to her and every time I see her it makes me wanna cry.  Every time she has an episode I remember the time my grandmother thought she had to go home, but that is a different story.  I also think about Bill (her husband) also my grandfather (who is also gone) when I listen to The Long Goodbye, because it is sung through a husbands point of view.

P.S. if I was going to get a tattoo, this would be the one I would get. Or a  purple ribbon in the shape of a treble clef with in remembrance of Julia Ayers.

Anyways thanks for reading If you every have moods likes this leave a comment. I keep thinking i'm that one weird person that does this and no one else does.

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