Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sad Moods

Anybody ever hear a song on the radio that puts them in that mood. That makes you not want to do anything and you think of all those loved ones that have passed?

The other day I was driving to the bank and a sad song came on the radio that put me in one kind of a mood, and i'm one of those people that just can't get out of it. So the bank got put on hold. I kept driving around, plugged in my iPhone to my car and kept listening to sad songs. One of the songs is "The Long Goodbye" by Allen G Young. This song is about Alzheimer's. My grandmother passed away from Alzheimer's, and I found this song about two months before she died. So you can imagine how this song makes me feel.

I think what makes me feel even worse while listening to that song is that I have a family friend that is going through basically the same thing. Seeing her go through what my grandma went through just kills me. I know whats going to end up happening to her and every time I see her it makes me wanna cry.  Every time she has an episode I remember the time my grandmother thought she had to go home, but that is a different story.  I also think about Bill (her husband) also my grandfather (who is also gone) when I listen to The Long Goodbye, because it is sung through a husbands point of view.

P.S. if I was going to get a tattoo, this would be the one I would get. Or a  purple ribbon in the shape of a treble clef with in remembrance of Julia Ayers.

Anyways thanks for reading If you every have moods likes this leave a comment. I keep thinking i'm that one weird person that does this and no one else does.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Got to Love Nosy Neighbors!!

A little background information...
       About a year ago I was in a accident. A car backed into me in Walmarts parting lot. I never got the body worked fixed.
     Steve is my neighbor. He is a older man, really sweet. He is one of those men that would do anything for you, same for his wife.

    Well today my husband was getting ready to go to work and we were saying our goodbyes before he left. Steve came over to talk to us. At first they were just talking about Chris's new toolbox he has for his truck. Then Steve asked me if I wrecked my car on the ice. At first I was kind of confused... then he said the other day he looked out of his window and seen my best friends car behind me and me looking at my bumper. Funny thing is, I just cleaned my car for the first time in a while, and you can now see the scrap from the accident.  I laughed and told him the story about how it happened.

     He also has helped me catch a mouse. One day I noticed that we had an unwanted guest. I put out some traps (the snapping kind??).  This day my best friend was at my house. Well, instead of catching the mouse the regular way and killing it. This mouse gets caught by the tail!!! We weren't about to try to catch this thing. Chris was at work so I went over to Steve's house and asked him if he would come over and catch the mouse. Of course, he said yes. He grabbed a bucket and a broom and scooped this mouse up. He and his wife have some outdoor cats. He let the cats have the mouse.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New favorite nail polish brand!

Hey friends! I have found a nail polish brand that will stay on my nails without a top coat without chipping! I work as a server and any nail polish that will stay on my nails through all the crap I put them the through is amazing!

Zoya nail Polish was sent to me by ipsy. The color is odette and the formula is fantastic! I will definitely buy some nail polish from this brand again!

Sorry my picture is crappy. I took them quick to get this post up...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kraken vs Captain Morgan

Good morning everyone!!! Today I am doing a comparison of two different spiced rums. Captain Morgan and Kraken! They are both favorites of mine. It's really hard to do a comparison of these two spiced rums together. specially since one is dark and one is light.

                     $21.00                                                                           $19.99

Obviously by looking at them you can tell that one is a darker rum and the other is an amber.  The tastes are different as well. Kraken has more of a spicy flavor than Captain. By tasting both of these on there own, Kraken has more vanilla finish and to me that is everything... haha. I love vanilla. Captain has more of a vanilla in the beginning, and has a stronger alcohol burn. 

Captain is more the rum to go for a party where I want to get a lot of people drunk. Kraken is the rum I use to sip on and have a relaxing cocktail. 

I'm not saying that Captain is a bad spiced rum. This is my personal opinion and What I would use them both for.

These prices are Oklahoma prices and online prices mixed. 

If you like to see more reviews hit the G+1 button at the bottom!

What next?

Hey everyone, I know it has been a while since I have been on and wrote a post. I've been struggling trying to figure out what kind of blog I want to make this into.  I love to try new liquor, wine and beer so I was thinking about doing a review blog. Well the problem with that is I don't have a lot of money to go out and buy good liquors to try. Nobody wants a review blog of all cheap liquor. I also have some posts about my husband and the crazy antics he does. That I will probably keep, seeing that my highest seen blog post is about him. Another thing I have put up is about bzzagent and Ipsy. If you want to know more about them then click the links above to read more.

So if I did a blog about off of those things it would be all over the place. I guess I will just write whatever come to mind. If you have any Ideas please write them in the comments.

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